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2/16/24 Friday Update
This week I got back on the normal schedule. That involved a couple of days off after the conference in Colorado, followed by slowly ramping back up into new words on Fated to the Wolf. Iโve been practicing dictating the story while I go for walks in the neighborhood, both to get more steps in each day, but also to see if I can increase my wordcount without putting more labor on my fingers. I donโt have carpel tunnel yet and Iโd love to keep it that way.
Work this week also included reviewing and typing up notes from the talks I attended at Superstars. There are several talks I took handwritten notes for, others I have photographs of the slides that I need to incorporate, still others I have typed notes but I need to download the handouts the speakers provided. Itโs a lot of paperwork, but itโll be nicely organized for future reference whenever I need it.
Finally, Iโm going to incorporate my goals tracking here on the Friday update rather than a separate Monday post. Monday is an odd day for me to review the previous week and I donโt think the goals need a whole other post to themselves. So!
1k words/day – Took a break on Monday/Tuesday, started ramping up words this week. Didnโt get up to 1k until Friday. All as expected.
10k steps/day – I didnโt reach my step goals during the conference, which I expected, nor the day I drove home, but things ramped back up quickly once I was home again with over 10k on Wednesday. Very pleased with this!
1 completed art/week – Believe it or not, I actually drew something during the conference week, which I didnโt expect. Since this update is before my weekend I donโt have a piece to share this week, but thatโll correct next week.

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