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Friday Update 1/10/25
Oooh, a little late on this Friday Update because the day really got away from me. My reminder popped up at 7 and I went EEP! This week I received the first assignment for my scifi craft class. I pondered the brief over the weekend, then wrote a short story Monday/Tuesday. It’s formatted and printed…
Early Access: Problem Child
Kipt is a small, low-ranked faerie. He has very little power and therefore he is mostly colorblind. He craves color, however, and he’s determined to steal enough children from the mortal realm to earn himself another color. Problem Child a Fantasy short story
Friday Update 1/3/25
Every year I look back on my wordcount and project totals to wrap my brain around what exactly I’ve accomplished. There are two lists here, a list of things I published and a list of things I’ve written. There is always a little bit of crossover with these lists. I often write things on a…
Friday Update 12/27/24
Last update for the year! Next week I’ll have a lovely review for you all, but this week I’m under a deadline (ugh!). Hellebore #3 is due to the editor on the 1st and as of today I’ve got three chapters left. (about 7k) I have done nothing but write (and recover from high wordcount…