• Early Access: Playground Monitor, a Bone Witch short story

    Early Access: Playground Monitor, a Bone Witch short story

    Turquoise Boyd lives in a world run by vampires, but she’s determined to find a way to fight back. Her alchemy shop sells warning stones wrapped like bracelets. That’s not enough to defeat a vampire, though. When one of the bloodsuckers threatens her daughter, Turquoise has no choice but to do what they demand. Playground…

  • Friday Update 11/29/24

    Friday Update 11/29/24

    Happy Turkey Day to all my US friends, I hope you feasted well. Due to the holiday this week, my work hours were few right at the start. I made good progress on my Scifi short story, it’s about 2k from the end, which will be satisfying to send off to the editor. I’ve been…

  • Friday Update 11/22/24

    Friday Update 11/22/24

    This week my main goal was to put some words down on my scifi short story for BSQ Magazine. I’m close to 8k on that and closing in on the expected 10k total to finish it off. That will happen next week and in more than enough time to give it a fine-toothed proofread before…

  • Friday Update 11/15/24

    Friday Update 11/15/24

    This week I’ve broken ground on my new scifi short story for BSQ magazine. According to my outline I’m looking at about 10k total. Now that words have started, that’ll build up quick. I’d love to wrap it up next week. The Veldura house is moving soonish. We don’t have official orders yet, but our…

  • Friday Update 11/8/24

    Friday Update 11/8/24

    This has been an admin heavy week due to US Election Nonsense. I’ve made progress outlining my next scifi short story (looks like it’ll be roughly 10k, a thriller) but on days when I didn’t feel like the creative voice could do the thing, I reverted to my forever long list of admin work. I…

  • Early Access: The Right Genes For Robbery, a scifi short

    They may have escaped from a prison planet, but Maj and her new outlaw friends are on the run and need answers. Maj’s sister Oyana was implanted with mods from head to toe. What do they do and where can the team get more information? The crew might be ragtag, but they have a goal…

  • Friday Update 11/1/24

    Friday Update 11/1/24

    This week was much more admin focused than usual. I’m between writing projects and the current one (scifi for BSQ) requires some additional worldbuilding/culture building, so I’m taking my time with that. Instead, my focus was on things like cover art for next year’s short story publishing, scheduling my next Vampire serial in December on…

  • Friday Update 10/25/24

    Friday Update 10/25/24

    This week I brainstormed, outlined, wrote, edited, and submitted a short story to an anthology call for Fae-themed stories. I’ve submitted to this editor before and she’s published my work several times, so we’re a good fit. Now we wait for acceptance/rejection. Speaking of rejections, I received a rejection for a MilScifi short story, but…

  • Friday Update 10/18/24

    Friday Update 10/18/24

    Extremely pleased to report I’ve finished drafting Vampire Submitted and turned it in to the editor for the anthology! This was my primary project for the last two weeks and it’s done. I moved directly into admin work after that. I’ve been making covers for the next batch of short stories to be published next…

  • Early Access: Afterglow, a fantasy short story

    Early Access: Afterglow, a fantasy short story

    Sidal works as a seraph of the Wall, a glowing beacon of safety in a world where the night spawns demons and the darkness is dangerous. Afterglow a Fantasy short story