• Goals Tracking: Week 5

    Goals Tracking: Week 5

    Goals tracking! There are three major goals I’m tracking this year for both personal and business improvement. Comment below with your goals and how you did this week. 1k words/workday: Monday: 2.5k – Re-plotted FatedTuesday: 1300Wednesday: 0 – Appointment DayThursday: 1056Friday: Notes: This week had some upheaval on Wednesday. I had a 3 hour hair…

  • Friday Update 2/2/24

    Friday Update 2/2/24

    Friday Update 2/2/24 In an unusual move, this week I decided the big plan I had for Fated to the Wolf needed to be cut down to something more compact. It’s a story meant to go in an anthology with a collection of other shifter authors and the target length is 20k. While they would…

  • To Heaven And Back Again – A Steampunk Short Story

    To Heaven And Back Again – A Steampunk Short Story

    This short story was originally published in Galaxy’s Edge magazine. It’s releasing indie on February 5th, but is available here for Members to read early. Meleny is a Lady of the Queen’s Court and that makes everyone frustrated, but Meleny is the most proud of how well she can piss off the captain of the…

  • Goals: Week 4

    Goals: Week 4

    Goals tracking! There are three major goals I’m tracking this year for both personal and business improvement. Comment below with your goals and how you did this week. 1k words/workday: Monday: 1000Tuesday: 1374Wednesday: 400Thursday: Put Hellhounds through PWA, +~400 wordsFriday: Break Notes: I finished a short story this week! That’s Princess Hellhound, To You was…

  • Friday Update 1/26/24

    Friday Update 1/26/24

    Friday Update 1/26/24 Progress was made this week! I’ve finished and submitted a Hellhounds short story to an anthology for consideration. Cross your fingers for me! I think it’s a good one. I’ve also tackled the initial stages of publishing for the next three short stories. Preorder will be populating in all the stores over…

  • Maj And The Outlaws #1 Murder Is A Family Business

    Maj And The Outlaws #1 Murder Is A Family Business

    This short story was originally written for the scifi magazine Boundary Shock Quarterly and has since turned into a series of shorts. They will be released here for members to read as I get the rights to publish them indie. [swpm_protected] Maj And The Outlaws #1 Murder Is A Family Business Maj Frost, tiny, offended,…

  • Goals Tracking: Week 3

    Goals Tracking: Week 3

    Goals tracking! There are three major goals I’m tracking this year for both personal and business improvement. Comment below with your goals and how you did this week. 1k words/workday: Monday: National HolidayTuesday: 1537Wednesday: 985Thursday: 1058Friday: 1500 Notes: How did I miss the goal on Wed by 15 words! I must have come to the…

  • Friday Update 1/19/24

    Friday Update 1/19/24

    Friday Update 1/19/24 A lot has happened this week and almost all of it is the kind of admin work that no one tells you is necessary when they say “hey, you’re really good at this, have you thought about publishing a book?” First: my unnamed Hellhound short story is marching along. I’m half way…

  • Goal Tracking: Week 2

    Goal Tracking: Week 2

    Goals tracking! There are three major goals I’m tracking this year for both personal and business improvement. Comment below with your goals and how you did this week. 1k words/workday: Monday: 1683Tuesday: 1200Wednesday: 2053 – finished a short story!Thursday: 530 – started outlining the next oneFriday: 300 Notes: I finished a short story and sent…

  • Friday Update 1/12/24

    Friday Update 1/12/24

    Short update this week, because I had one goal and one goal only: To finish this Bone Witch short story for a Valentine’s anthology coming up. I did it! I wrapped up the story on Thursday and I turned it in today to the editor after a proofread and some tweaks <3 I’m excited to…