• Friday Update 11/8/24

    Friday Update 11/8/24

    This has been an admin heavy week due to US Election Nonsense. I’ve made progress outlining my next scifi short story (looks like it’ll be roughly 10k, a thriller) but on days when I didn’t feel like the creative voice could do the thing, I reverted to my forever long list of admin work. I…

  • Friday Update 11/1/24

    Friday Update 11/1/24

    This week was much more admin focused than usual. I’m between writing projects and the current one (scifi for BSQ) requires some additional worldbuilding/culture building, so I’m taking my time with that. Instead, my focus was on things like cover art for next year’s short story publishing, scheduling my next Vampire serial in December on…

  • Friday Update 10/25/24

    Friday Update 10/25/24

    This week I brainstormed, outlined, wrote, edited, and submitted a short story to an anthology call for Fae-themed stories. I’ve submitted to this editor before and she’s published my work several times, so we’re a good fit. Now we wait for acceptance/rejection. Speaking of rejections, I received a rejection for a MilScifi short story, but…

  • Friday Update 10/18/24

    Friday Update 10/18/24

    Extremely pleased to report I’ve finished drafting Vampire Submitted and turned it in to the editor for the anthology! This was my primary project for the last two weeks and it’s done. I moved directly into admin work after that. I’ve been making covers for the next batch of short stories to be published next…

  • Friday Update 10/11/24

    Friday Update 10/11/24

    Friday again! Already! How does this keep happening? I’ve made significant progress on Vampire Submitted. I’ll be wrapping up on Monday and able to do a final read-through before I submit the novella on Tuesday. The target is 20k and I currently have 21k with 2 or 3k left for the final chapter. This is…

  • Friday Update 8/9/24

    Ok, let’s talk about the Anthology Workshop. This conference is put on by WMG Publishing and is run by Kristine Katherine Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith. Before the conference, all of us writers were given a series of calls for submission we could write for. Each one had some specifics on the genre and we…

  • Friday Update 8/2/24

    Friday Update 8/2/24

    Another deadline met! I had to push a deadline recently as it lined up with several other projects unexpectedly. I don’t like doing that, and sometimes an editor says they can’t take a late story (which is fair!), but thankfully this project and editor were flexible and allowed me to push the deadline out by…

  • Friday Update 7/26/24

    Friday Update 7/26/24

    AAHHHH Taking a break last week was incredible. I worked hard to get there and the break came at just the right time. I spent the week reading and playing video games, generally, some youtube of other people playing video games. It was great to refill the well. I def drained it pretty dry working…

  • Friday Update

    Friday Update

    Still swimming! The deadlines keep coming and they don’t stop coming. This week I wrote a fantasy regency short story. I happen to have a novella series set during the golden age of sail which Also happens to fall during the regency era AND CONVENIENTLY it’s a fantasy world full of ghosts and witches and…

  • 2/23/24 Friday Update

    2/23/24 Friday Update

    This week I tried something new and had to spend a day recovering. I’m trying to do more of my writing through dictation. I want to reduce the amount of hours I spend typing, but also see if I can use it to speed up my writing process. It’s a thing that takes time, however,…