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Friday Update 12/7/23
Friday Update 12/7/23 This week I brainstormed, outlined, and have started writing the next HORNETS short story for BSQ magazine. This is a mystery, but it’s also a Hornets, so there’s going to be power armor, specialized guns, and explosions. I’m 1300 words in and I haven’t quite figured out the personal/backstory subplot yet, but…
Friday Update 12/1/23
Welcome to December! This week I gave myself a day to recover from traveling and organize the bags. I did some reading and watched a few youtube videos about Captain of Industry, which is a game about production lines and efficiency. And just writing that line makes me laugh because of course I would watch…
Friday Update 10/17/23
Friday Update 10/17/23 Short update is short because I have to pack for a flight to Florida! Highlights: I’m 20k into Fated and the two main characters have finally had their meet cute. In the middle of a fight between vampires, werewolves, and a giant demon from the Void. I’m sure everyone will be fine!…
Friday Update 11/3/23
Friday Update 11/3/23 NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. Write 50k in 30 days (and melt into a puddle of goo when you’re done). I’ve wanted to write novels since I was little, but NaNo is what got me into actually attempting to do so before I was picked up by a small publisher. I’ve…
10/27/23 Friday Update
10/27/23 Friday Update It’s always odd to have a short update like this one because it doesn’t feel like I’ve done any less work, it’s just much the same as last week.Words continue on Fated to the Wolf along with some organizing of the world bible. It’s always better to stay on top of that…
Friday Update 10/20/23
Friday Update 10/20/23 Short update this week as not a whole lot has changed. I’ve read every Anita Blake book in the series, now, which means it’s time to transition into something else. I’ve picked up two books by Kevin J Anderson, one epic fantasy and one epic scifi, but I’m wondering if I should…
Friday Update 10/13/23
Friday Update 10/13/23 Happy friday the thirteenth during Spooky Season! It’s supposed to freeze tonight?! I was just dealing with over 100 degree days. Kansas is crazy. I’m working on making hoop covers for my pumpkins and acorn squash before it gets too cold. This week has been a lot of production work. I’m making…
Friday Update 9/28/23
Friday Update 9/28/23 This week has been packed full of paranormal romance research. Years ago I stopped reading the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter books by Laurell K Hamilton because life just worked out that way, but now that I’m creating this larger paranormal world for my London penname, I went looking for other PNR books…
Friday Update 9/22/23
Friday Update 9/22/23 A lot of admin work has come to fruition this week! The home page of the website is officially re-made and I think it’s beautiful. The rest of the website is still in ugly-duckling stages, so you’re watching it be reborn in real time. I’ve tested said website on mobile and tablet,…