Friday Update

Still swimming! The deadlines keep coming and they don’t stop coming.

This week I wrote a fantasy regency short story. I happen to have a novella series set during the golden age of sail which Also happens to fall during the regency era AND CONVENIENTLY it’s a fantasy world full of ghosts and witches and magic. That story has been submitted to the editors, and, like all these others recently, I’ll report back in August when the Anthology Workshop happens in Vegas. There’s a chance any one of these short stories will be purchased by an editor and I’ll be paid a pro rate. Cross your fingers!

If you like Pirates of the Caribbean, you’ll like my Act of Piracy series which is literally named after a line in the first Pirates movie IYKYK

Anyway the links, because I always have links. These are in reading order:

AoP1, Blood In The Water:

AoP2, Ruin And Will:

Short story, The Mermaid King:

Short story, How Santa Stole Krampus:

Book 3, This Ship Of War is currently on the production schedule, but not for Some Time. I wrote a little flash that belongs in book 3 for Flash Fiction Friday here (spoilers for 1 &2):

The new short I wrote this week is set firmly in book 3 and will be adjusted for the novel when I write it. Later.

Next week is Scifi Mystery, which isn’t really my jam. We’ll see what the call for subs says, but I may skip the mystery and write a solstice urban fantasy short that has the same deadline (it’s a mess this month, I’m almost through it).

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