Friday Update 11/15/24

This week I’ve broken ground on my new scifi short story for BSQ magazine. According to my outline I’m looking at about 10k total. Now that words have started, that’ll build up quick. I’d love to wrap it up next week.

The Veldura house is moving soonish. We don’t have official orders yet, but our expected date is coming up quick, so there are a lot of logistics tasks that have taken up time. That’ll be worse next week, I imagine. Thankfully I have some time built into the schedule.

I’ve made some progress on some Vampires art. I’m trying to find my style of drawing and color, which involves a lot of trying-and-not-liking things, it turns out. I’ve started collecting art that I love so I can study it. Color is kicking my butt, though.

Vampires 3 is up on the schedule after this scifi, but I don’t think I’ll get to it before we move, so that will probably be December’s only project.

OH! I received a rejection from Writers of the Future this week. My short story was given an honorable mention, which isn’t an award, but it does put my name on a list and I was able to to add that mention to the cover letter when I submitted the story to Asimov. Now we wait to see what Asimov says.

until next week!

dragon divider


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