Friday Update 8/2/24

Another deadline met! I had to push a deadline recently as it lined up with several other projects unexpectedly. I don’t like doing that, and sometimes an editor says they can’t take a late story (which is fair!), but thankfully this project and editor were flexible and allowed me to push the deadline out by a month so I could participate in everything.

When I push a deadline I want to make sure 1: my new deadline doesn’t conflict with other stuff in the future and 2: I don’t need to go back to the editor for some reason and cancel my participation afterward.

Because being granted an extension and then also having to cancel really sucks for everyone.

In this case, my deadline was for BSQ 28, a scifi horror story that falls in my HORNETS series and it comes in at a solid 12k. One of my best HORNET stories so far and that makes number 7 in the series!

01 Flight Of The Hornet (BSQ 14) 4k
02 Space Sushi (BSQ 15) 6k
03 Solvarg Pursues The Moon (BSQ 16) 10k
04 The Queen Is Dead, Long Live The Queen (BSQ 18) 5k
05 Revenge With A Side Of Power Armor (BSQ 26) 13k
06 Message From The Gods (BSQ 27) 4k
07 Continue As You Weren’t (BSQ 28) 12k

Browse all the BSQ magazine issues here:

Which brings us to a total of just over 50k WHICH MEANS I can officially bundle this series in its first collection and launch a kickstarter for it. When I find time for that.

So on top of all my other things I guess I’m doing scifi art for a cool collector’s edition. 🤔I need a hecking clone.

Next week I’m in Vegas for the Anthology Workshop I wrote all those earlier short stories for. I’ll report on Friday if I sold any!

dragon divider


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